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Bases: AStar

Class for JPS motion planning.


Name Type Description Default
start tuple

start point coordinate

goal tuple

goal point coordinate

env Env


heuristic_type str

heuristic function type



Python Console Session
>>> import python_motion_planning as pmp
>>> planner = pmp.JPS((5, 5), (45, 25), pmp.Grid(51, 31))
>>> cost, path, expand = planner.plan()     # planning results only
>>> planner.plot.animation(path, str(planner), cost, expand)  # animation
>>>       # run both planning and animation

[1] Online Graph Pruning for Pathfinding On Grid Maps

Source code in src\python_motion_planning\global_planner\graph_search\
class JPS(AStar):
    Class for JPS motion planning.

        start (tuple): start point coordinate
        goal (tuple): goal point coordinate
        env (Env): environment
        heuristic_type (str): heuristic function type

        >>> import python_motion_planning as pmp
        >>> planner = pmp.JPS((5, 5), (45, 25), pmp.Grid(51, 31))
        >>> cost, path, expand = planner.plan()     # planning results only
        >>> planner.plot.animation(path, str(planner), cost, expand)  # animation
        >>>       # run both planning and animation

        [1] Online Graph Pruning for Pathfinding On Grid Maps
    def __init__(self, start: tuple, goal: tuple, env: Env, heuristic_type: str = "euclidean") -> None:
        super().__init__(start, goal, env, heuristic_type)

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return "Jump Point Search(JPS)"

    def plan(self) -> tuple:
        JPS motion plan function.

            cost (float): path cost
            path (list): planning path
            expand (list): all nodes that planner has searched
        # OPEN list (priority queue) and CLOSED list (hash table)
        OPEN = []
        heapq.heappush(OPEN, self.start)
        CLOSED = dict()

        while OPEN:
            node = heapq.heappop(OPEN)

            # exists in CLOSED list
            if node.current in CLOSED:

            # goal found
            if node == self.goal:
                CLOSED[node.current] = node
                cost, path = self.extractPath(CLOSED)
                return cost, path, list(CLOSED.values())

            jp_list = []
            for motion in self.motions:
                jp = self.jump(node, motion)
                # exists and not in CLOSED list
                if jp and jp.current not in CLOSED:
                    jp.parent = node.current
                    jp.h = self.h(jp, self.goal)

            for jp in jp_list:
                # update OPEN list
                heapq.heappush(OPEN, jp)

                # goal found
                if jp == self.goal:

            CLOSED[node.current] = node
        return [], [], []

    def jump(self, node: Node, motion: Node):
        Jumping search recursively.

            node (Node): current node
            motion (Node): the motion that current node executes

            jump_point (Node): jump point or None if searching fails
        # explore a new node
        new_node = node + motion
        new_node.parent = node.current
        new_node.h = self.h(new_node, self.goal)

        # hit the obstacle
        if new_node.current in self.obstacles:
            return None

        # goal found
        if new_node == self.goal:
            return new_node

        # diagonal
        if motion.x and motion.y:
            # if exists jump point at horizontal or vertical
            x_dir = Node((motion.x, 0), None, 1, None)
            y_dir = Node((0, motion.y), None, 1, None)
            if self.jump(new_node, x_dir) or self.jump(new_node, y_dir):
                return new_node

        # if exists forced neighbor
        if self.detectForceNeighbor(new_node, motion):
            return new_node
            return self.jump(new_node, motion)

    def detectForceNeighbor(self, node, motion):
        Detect forced neighbor of node.

            node (Node): current node
            motion (Node): the motion that current node executes

            flag (bool): True if current node has forced neighbor else Flase
        x, y = node.current
        x_dir, y_dir = motion.current

        # horizontal
        if x_dir and not y_dir:
            if (x, y + 1) in self.obstacles and \
                (x + x_dir, y + 1) not in self.obstacles:
                return True
            if (x, y - 1) in self.obstacles and \
                (x + x_dir, y - 1) not in self.obstacles:
                return True

        # vertical
        if not x_dir and y_dir:
            if (x + 1, y) in self.obstacles and \
                (x + 1, y + y_dir) not in self.obstacles:
                return True
            if (x - 1, y) in self.obstacles and \
                (x - 1, y + y_dir) not in self.obstacles:
                return True

        # diagonal
        if x_dir and y_dir:
            if (x - x_dir, y) in self.obstacles and \
                (x - x_dir, y + y_dir) not in self.obstacles:
                return True
            if (x, y - y_dir) in self.obstacles and \
                (x + x_dir, y - y_dir) not in self.obstacles:
                return True

        return False

detectForceNeighbor(node, motion)

Detect forced neighbor of node.


Name Type Description Default
node Node

current node

motion Node

the motion that current node executes



Name Type Description
flag bool

True if current node has forced neighbor else Flase

Source code in src\python_motion_planning\global_planner\graph_search\
def detectForceNeighbor(self, node, motion):
    Detect forced neighbor of node.

        node (Node): current node
        motion (Node): the motion that current node executes

        flag (bool): True if current node has forced neighbor else Flase
    x, y = node.current
    x_dir, y_dir = motion.current

    # horizontal
    if x_dir and not y_dir:
        if (x, y + 1) in self.obstacles and \
            (x + x_dir, y + 1) not in self.obstacles:
            return True
        if (x, y - 1) in self.obstacles and \
            (x + x_dir, y - 1) not in self.obstacles:
            return True

    # vertical
    if not x_dir and y_dir:
        if (x + 1, y) in self.obstacles and \
            (x + 1, y + y_dir) not in self.obstacles:
            return True
        if (x - 1, y) in self.obstacles and \
            (x - 1, y + y_dir) not in self.obstacles:
            return True

    # diagonal
    if x_dir and y_dir:
        if (x - x_dir, y) in self.obstacles and \
            (x - x_dir, y + y_dir) not in self.obstacles:
            return True
        if (x, y - y_dir) in self.obstacles and \
            (x + x_dir, y - y_dir) not in self.obstacles:
            return True

    return False

jump(node, motion)

Jumping search recursively.


Name Type Description Default
node Node

current node

motion Node

the motion that current node executes



Name Type Description
jump_point Node

jump point or None if searching fails

Source code in src\python_motion_planning\global_planner\graph_search\
def jump(self, node: Node, motion: Node):
    Jumping search recursively.

        node (Node): current node
        motion (Node): the motion that current node executes

        jump_point (Node): jump point or None if searching fails
    # explore a new node
    new_node = node + motion
    new_node.parent = node.current
    new_node.h = self.h(new_node, self.goal)

    # hit the obstacle
    if new_node.current in self.obstacles:
        return None

    # goal found
    if new_node == self.goal:
        return new_node

    # diagonal
    if motion.x and motion.y:
        # if exists jump point at horizontal or vertical
        x_dir = Node((motion.x, 0), None, 1, None)
        y_dir = Node((0, motion.y), None, 1, None)
        if self.jump(new_node, x_dir) or self.jump(new_node, y_dir):
            return new_node

    # if exists forced neighbor
    if self.detectForceNeighbor(new_node, motion):
        return new_node
        return self.jump(new_node, motion)


JPS motion plan function.


Name Type Description
cost float

path cost

path list

planning path

expand list

all nodes that planner has searched

Source code in src\python_motion_planning\global_planner\graph_search\
def plan(self) -> tuple:
    JPS motion plan function.

        cost (float): path cost
        path (list): planning path
        expand (list): all nodes that planner has searched
    # OPEN list (priority queue) and CLOSED list (hash table)
    OPEN = []
    heapq.heappush(OPEN, self.start)
    CLOSED = dict()

    while OPEN:
        node = heapq.heappop(OPEN)

        # exists in CLOSED list
        if node.current in CLOSED:

        # goal found
        if node == self.goal:
            CLOSED[node.current] = node
            cost, path = self.extractPath(CLOSED)
            return cost, path, list(CLOSED.values())

        jp_list = []
        for motion in self.motions:
            jp = self.jump(node, motion)
            # exists and not in CLOSED list
            if jp and jp.current not in CLOSED:
                jp.parent = node.current
                jp.h = self.h(jp, self.goal)

        for jp in jp_list:
            # update OPEN list
            heapq.heappush(OPEN, jp)

            # goal found
            if jp == self.goal:

        CLOSED[node.current] = node
    return [], [], []