Bases: Curve
Class for Reeds shepp curve generation.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Simulation or interpolation size |
required |
The maximum curvature of the curve |
required |
>>> from python_motion_planning.curve_generation import ReedsShepp
>>> points = [(0, 0, 0), (10, 10, -90), (20, 5, 60)]
>>> generator = ReedsShepp(step, max_curv)
[1] Optimal paths for a car that goes both forwards and backwards
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
class ReedsShepp(Curve):
Class for Reeds shepp curve generation.
step (float): Simulation or interpolation size
max_curv (float): The maximum curvature of the curve
>>> from python_motion_planning.curve_generation import ReedsShepp
>>> points = [(0, 0, 0), (10, 10, -90), (20, 5, 60)]
>>> generator = ReedsShepp(step, max_curv)
[1] Optimal paths for a car that goes both forwards and backwards
def __init__(self, step: float, max_curv: float) -> None:
self.max_curv = max_curv
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "Reeds Shepp Curve"
def R(self, x, y):
Return the polar coordinates (r, theta) of the point (x, y)
i.e. rcos(theta) = x; rsin(theta) = y
x (float): x-coordinate value
y (float): y-coordinate value
r, theta (float): Polar coordinates
r = math.hypot(x, y)
theta = math.atan2(y, x)
return r, theta
def M(self, theta):
Truncate the angle to the interval of -π to π.
theta (float): Angle value
theta (float): Truncated angle value
return self.pi2pi(theta)
class Path:
class for Path element
def __init__(self, lengths: list = [], ctypes: list = [], x: list = [],
y: list = [], yaw: list = [], dirs: list = []):
self.lengths = lengths # lengths of each part of path (+: forward, -: backward)
self.ctypes = ctypes # type of each part of the path
self.path_length = sum([abs(i) for i in lengths]) # total path length
self.x = x # x-coordinate value of curve
self.y = y # y-coordinate value of curve
self.yaw = yaw # yaw value of curve
self.dirs = dirs # direction value of curve (1: forward, -1: backward)
def SLS(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
Straight-Left-Straight generation mode.
phi = self.M(phi)
if y > 0.0 and 0.0 < phi < math.pi * 0.99:
xd = -y / math.tan(phi) + x
t = xd - math.tan(phi / 2.0)
u = phi
v = math.sqrt((x - xd) ** 2 + y ** 2) - math.tan(phi / 2.0)
return True, t, u, v
elif y < 0.0 and 0.0 < phi < math.pi * 0.99:
xd = -y / math.tan(phi) + x
t = xd - math.tan(phi / 2.0)
u = phi
v = -math.sqrt((x - xd) ** 2 + y ** 2) - math.tan(phi / 2.0)
return True, t, u, v
return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
def LRL(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
Left-Right-Left generation mode. (L+R-L-)
r, theta = self.R(x - math.sin(phi), y - 1.0 + math.cos(phi))
if r <= 4.0:
u = -2.0 * math.asin(0.25 * r)
t = self.M(theta + 0.5 * u + math.pi)
v = self.M(phi - t + u)
if t >= 0.0 and u <= 0.0:
return True, t, u, v
return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
def LSL(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
Left-Straight-Left generation mode. (L+S+L+)
u, t = self.R(x - math.sin(phi), y - 1.0 + math.cos(phi))
if t >= 0.0:
v = self.M(phi - t)
if v >= 0.0:
return True, t, u, v
return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
def LSR(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
Left-Straight-Right generation mode. (L+S+R+)
r, theta = self.R(x + math.sin(phi), y - 1.0 - math.cos(phi))
r = r ** 2
if r >= 4.0:
u = math.sqrt(r - 4.0)
t = self.M(theta + math.atan2(2.0, u))
v = self.M(t - phi)
if t >= 0.0 and v >= 0.0:
return True, t, u, v
return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
def LRLRn(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
Left-Right(beta)-Left(beta)-Right generation mode. (L+R+L-R-)
xi = x + math.sin(phi)
eta = y - 1.0 - math.cos(phi)
rho = 0.25 * (2.0 + math.sqrt(xi * xi + eta * eta))
if rho <= 1.0:
u = math.acos(rho)
t, v = self._calTauOmega(u, -u, xi, eta, phi)
if t >= 0.0 and v <= 0.0:
return True, t, u, v
return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
def LRLRp(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
Left-Right(beta)-Left(beta)-Right generation mode. (L+R-L-R+)
xi = x + math.sin(phi)
eta = y - 1.0 - math.cos(phi)
rho = (20.0 - xi * xi - eta * eta) / 16.0
if 0.0 <= rho <= 1.0:
u = -math.acos(rho)
if u >= -0.5 * math.pi:
t, v = self._calTauOmega(u, u, xi, eta, phi)
if t >= 0.0 and v >= 0.0:
return True, t, u, v
return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
def LRSR(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
Left-Right(pi/2)-Straight-Right generation mode. (L+R-S-R-)
xi = x + math.sin(phi)
eta = y - 1.0 - math.cos(phi)
rho, theta = self.R(-eta, xi)
if rho >= 2.0:
t = theta
u = 2.0 - rho
v = self.M(t + 0.5 * math.pi - phi)
if t >= 0.0 and u <= 0.0 and v <= 0.0:
return True, t, u, v
return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
def LRSL(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
Left-Right(pi/2)-Straight-Left generation mode. (L+R-S-L-)
xi = x - math.sin(phi)
eta = y - 1.0 + math.cos(phi)
rho, theta = self.R(xi, eta)
if rho >= 2.0:
r = math.sqrt(rho * rho - 4.0)
u = 2.0 - r
t = self.M(theta + math.atan2(r, -2.0))
v = self.M(phi - 0.5 * math.pi - t)
if t >= 0.0 and u <= 0.0 and v <= 0.0:
return True, t, u, v
return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
def LRSLR(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
Left-Right(pi/2)-Straight-Left(pi/2)-Right generation mode. (L+R-S-L-R+)
xi = x + math.sin(phi)
eta = y - 1.0 - math.cos(phi)
r, _ = self.R(xi, eta)
if r >= 2.0:
u = 4.0 - math.sqrt(r * r - 4.0)
if u <= 0.0:
t = self.M(math.atan2((4.0 - u) * xi - 2.0 * eta, -2.0 * xi + (u - 4.0) * eta))
v = self.M(t - phi)
if t >= 0.0 and v >= 0.0:
return True, t, u, v
return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
def SCS(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
# 2
Straight-Circle-Straight generation mode(using reflect).
x (float): x of goal position
y (float): y of goal position
phi (float): goal orientation
paths (list): Available paths
paths = []
flag, t, u, v = self.SLS(x, y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, v], ctypes=["S", "L", "S"]))
flag, t, u, v = self.SLS(x, -y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, v], ctypes=["S", "R", "S"]))
return paths
def CCC(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
# 8
Circle-Circle-Circle generation mode(using reflect, timeflip and backwards).
x (float): x of goal position
y (float): y of goal position
phi (float): goal orientation
paths (list): Available paths
paths = []
# L+R-L-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRL(x, y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, v], ctypes=["L", "R", "L"]))
# timefilp: L-R+L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRL(-x, y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, -u, -v], ctypes=["L", "R", "L"]))
# reflect: R+L-R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRL(x, -y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, v], ctypes=["R", "L", "R"]))
# timeflip + reflect: R-L+R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRL(-x, -y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, -u, -v], ctypes=["R", "L", "R"]))
# backwards
xb = x * math.cos(phi) + y * math.sin(phi)
yb = x * math.sin(phi) - y * math.cos(phi)
# backwards: L-R-L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRL(xb, yb, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[v, u, t], ctypes=["L", "R", "L"]))
# backwards + timefilp: L+R+L-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRL(-xb, yb, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-v, -u, -t], ctypes=["L", "R", "L"]))
# backwards + reflect: R-L-R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRL(xb, -yb, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[v, u, t], ctypes=["R", "L", "R"]))
# backwards + timeflip + reflect: R+L+R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRL(-xb, -yb, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-v, -u, -t], ctypes=["R", "L", "R"]))
return paths
def CSC(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
# 8
Circle-Straight-Circle generation mode(using reflect, timeflip and backwards).
x (float): x of goal position
y (float): y of goal position
phi (float): goal orientation
paths (list): Available paths
paths = []
# L+S+L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LSL(x, y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, v], ctypes=["L", "S", "L"]))
# timefilp: L-S-L-
flag, t, u, v = self.LSL(-x, y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, -u, -v], ctypes=["L", "S", "L"]))
# reflect: R+S+R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LSL(x, -y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, v], ctypes=["R", "S", "R"]))
# timeflip + reflect: R-S-R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LSL(-x, -y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, -u, -v], ctypes=["R", "S", "R"]))
# L+S+R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LSR(x, y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, v], ctypes=["L", "S", "R"]))
# timefilp: L-S-R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LSR(-x, y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, -u, -v], ctypes=["L", "S", "R"]))
# reflect: R+S+L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LSR(x, -y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, v], ctypes=["R", "S", "L"]))
# timeflip + reflect: R+S+l-
flag, t, u, v = self.LSR(-x, -y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, -u, -v], ctypes=["R", "S", "L"]))
return paths
def CCCC(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
# 8
Circle-Circle(beta)-Circle(beta)-Circle generation mode
(using reflect, timeflip and backwards).
x (float): x of goal position
y (float): y of goal position
phi (float): goal orientation
paths (list): Available paths
paths = []
# L+R+L-R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRLRn(x, y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, -u, v], ctypes=["L", "R", "L", "R"]))
# timefilp: L-R-L+R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRLRn(-x, y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, -u, u, -v], ctypes=["L", "R", "L", "R"]))
# reflect: R+L+R-L-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRLRn(x, -y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, -u, v], ctypes=["R", "L", "R", "L"]))
# timeflip + reflect: R-L-R+L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRLRn(-x, -y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, -u, u, -v], ctypes=["R", "L", "R", "L"]))
# L+R-L-R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRLRp(x, y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, u, v], ctypes=["L", "R", "L", "R"]))
# timefilp: L-R+L+R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRLRp(-x, y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, -u, -u, -v], ctypes=["L", "R", "L", "R"]))
# reflect: R+L-R-L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRLRp(x, -y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, u, v], ctypes=["R", "L", "R", "L"]))
# timeflip + reflect: R-L+R+L-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRLRp(-x, -y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, -u, -u, -v], ctypes=["R", "L", "R", "L"]))
return paths
def CCSC(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
# 16
Circle-Circle(pi/2)-Straight-Circle and Circle-Straight-Circle(pi/2)-Circle
generation mode (using reflect, timeflip and backwards).
x (float): x of goal position
y (float): y of goal position
phi (float): goal orientation
paths (list): Available paths
paths = []
# L+R-(pi/2)S-L-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSL(x, y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, -0.5 * math.pi, u, v], ctypes=["L", "R", "S", "L"]))
# timefilp: L-R+(pi/2)S+L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSL(-x, y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, 0.5 * math.pi, -u, -v], ctypes=["L", "R", "S", "L"]))
# reflect: R+L-(pi/2)S-R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSL(x, -y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, -0.5 * math.pi, u, v], ctypes=["R", "L", "S", "R"]))
# timeflip + reflect: R-L+(pi/2)S+R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSL(-x, -y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, 0.5 * math.pi, -u, -v], ctypes=["R", "L", "S", "R"]))
# L+R-(pi/2)S-R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSR(x, y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, -0.5 * math.pi, u, v], ctypes=["L", "R", "S", "R"]))
# timefilp: L-R+(pi/2)S+R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSR(-x, y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, 0.5 * math.pi, -u, -v], ctypes=["L", "R", "S", "R"]))
# reflect: R+L-(pi/2)S-L-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSR(x, -y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, -0.5 * math.pi, u, v], ctypes=["R", "L", "S", "L"]))
# timeflip + reflect: R-L+(pi/2)S+L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSR(-x, -y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, 0.5 * math.pi, -u, -v], ctypes=["R", "L", "S", "L"]))
# backwards
xb = x * math.cos(phi) + y * math.sin(phi)
yb = x * math.sin(phi) - y * math.cos(phi)
# backwards: L-S-R-(pi/2)L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSL(xb, yb, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[v, u, -0.5 * math.pi, t], ctypes=["L", "S", "R", "L"]))
# backwards + timefilp: L+S+R+(pi/2)L-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSL(-xb, yb, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-v, -u, 0.5 * math.pi, -t], ctypes=["L", "S", "R", "L"]))
# backwards + reflect: R-S-L-(pi/2)R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSL(xb, -yb, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[v, u, -0.5 * math.pi, t], ctypes=["R", "S", "L", "R"]))
# backwards + timefilp + reflect: R+S+L+(pi/2)R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSL(-xb, -yb, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-v, -u, 0.5 * math.pi, -t], ctypes=["R", "S", "L", "R"]))
# backwards: R-S-R-(pi/2)L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSR(xb, yb, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[v, u, -0.5 * math.pi, t], ctypes=["R", "S", "R", "L"]))
# backwards + timefilp: R+S+R+(pi/2)L-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSR(-xb, yb, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-v, -u, 0.5 * math.pi, -t], ctypes=["R", "S", "R", "L"]))
# backwards + reflect: L-S-L-(pi/2)R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSR(xb, -yb, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[v, u, -0.5 * math.pi, t], ctypes=["L", "S", "L", "R"]))
# backwards + timefilp + reflect: L+S+L+(pi/2)R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSR(-xb, -yb, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-v, -u, 0.5 * math.pi, -t], ctypes=["L", "S", "L", "R"]))
return paths
def CCSCC(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
# 4
Circle-Circle(pi/2)-Straight--Circle(pi/2)-Circle generation mode (using reflect, timeflip and backwards).
x (float): x of goal position
y (float): y of goal position
phi (float): goal orientation
paths (list): Available paths
paths = []
# L+R-(pi/2)S-L-(pi/2)R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSLR(x, y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, -0.5 * math.pi, u, -0.5 * math.pi, v], ctypes=["L", "R", "S", "L", "R"]))
# timefilp: L-R+(pi/2)S+L+(pi/2)R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSLR(-x, y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, 0.5 * math.pi, -u, 0.5 * math.pi, -v], ctypes=["L", "R", "S", "L", "R"]))
# reflect: R+L-(pi/2)S-R-(pi/2)L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSLR(x, -y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, -0.5 * math.pi, u, -0.5 * math.pi, v], ctypes=["R", "L", "S", "R", "L"]))
# timefilp + reflect: R-L+(pi/2)S+R+(pi/2)L-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSLR(-x, -y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, 0.5 * math.pi, -u, 0.5 * math.pi, -v], ctypes=["R", "L", "S", "R", "L"]))
return paths
def interpolate(self, mode: str, length: float, init_pose: tuple):
Planning path interpolation.
mode (str): motion, e.g., L, S, R
length (float): Single step motion path length
init_pose (tuple): Initial pose (x, y, yaw)
new_pose (tuple): New pose (new_x, new_y, new_yaw) after moving
x, y, yaw = init_pose
if mode == "S":
new_x = x + length / self.max_curv * math.cos(yaw)
new_y = y + length / self.max_curv * math.sin(yaw)
new_yaw = yaw
elif mode == "L":
new_x = x + (math.sin(yaw + length) - math.sin(yaw)) / self.max_curv
new_y = y - (math.cos(yaw + length) - math.cos(yaw)) / self.max_curv
new_yaw = yaw + length
elif mode == "R":
new_x = x - (math.sin(yaw - length) - math.sin(yaw)) / self.max_curv
new_y = y + (math.cos(yaw - length) - math.cos(yaw)) / self.max_curv
new_yaw = yaw - length
raise NotImplementedError
return new_x, new_y, new_yaw
def generation(self, start_pose: tuple, goal_pose: tuple):
Generate the Reeds Shepp Curve.
start_pose (tuple): Initial pose (x, y, yaw)
goal_pose (tuple): Target pose (x, y, yaw)
best_cost (float): Best planning path length
best_mode: Best motion modes
x_list (list): Trajectory of x
y_list (list): Trajectory of y
yaw_list (list): Trajectory of yaw
sx, sy, syaw = start_pose
gx, gy, gyaw = goal_pose
# coordinate transformation
dx, dy, dyaw = gx - sx, gy - sy, gyaw - syaw
x = (math.cos(syaw) * dx + math.sin(syaw) * dy) * self.max_curv
y = (-math.sin(syaw) * dx + math.cos(syaw) * dy) * self.max_curv
# select the best motion
planners = [self.SCS, self.CCC, self.CSC, self.CCCC, self.CCSC, self.CCSCC]
best_path, best_cost = None, float("inf")
for planner in planners:
paths = planner(x, y, dyaw)
for path in paths:
if path.path_length < best_cost:
best_path, best_cost = path, path.path_length
# interpolation
points_num = int(best_cost / self.step) + len(best_path.lengths) + 3
x_list = [0.0 for _ in range(points_num)]
y_list = [0.0 for _ in range(points_num)]
yaw_list = [0.0 for _ in range(points_num)]
i = 0
for mode_, seg_length in zip(best_path.ctypes, best_path.lengths):
# path increment
d_length = self.step if seg_length > 0.0 else -self.step
x, y, yaw = x_list[i], y_list[i], yaw_list[i]
# current path length
length = d_length
while abs(length) <= abs(seg_length):
i += 1
x_list[i], y_list[i], yaw_list[i] = self.interpolate(mode_, length, (x, y, yaw))
length += d_length
i += 1
x_list[i], y_list[i], yaw_list[i] = self.interpolate(mode_, seg_length, (x, y, yaw))
# failed
if len(x_list) <= 1:
return None, None, [], [], []
# remove unused data
while len(x_list) >= 1 and x_list[-1] == 0.0:
# coordinate transformation
x_list_ = [math.cos(-syaw) * ix + math.sin(-syaw) * iy + sx for (ix, iy) in zip(x_list, y_list)]
y_list_ = [-math.sin(-syaw) * ix + math.cos(-syaw) * iy + sy for (ix, iy) in zip(x_list, y_list)]
yaw_list_ = [self.pi2pi(iyaw + syaw) for iyaw in yaw_list]
return best_cost / self.max_curv, best_path.ctypes, x_list_, y_list_, yaw_list_
def run(self, points: list):
Running both generation and animation.
points (list[tuple]): path points
assert len(points) >= 2, "Number of points should be at least 2."
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# generation
path_x, path_y, path_yaw = [], [], []
for i in range(len(points) - 1):
_, _, x_list, y_list, yaw_list = self.generation(
(points[i][0], points[i][1], np.deg2rad(points[i][2])),
(points[i + 1][0], points[i + 1][1], np.deg2rad(points[i + 1][2])))
for j in range(len(x_list)):
# animation
plt.figure("curve generation")
# # static
# plt.plot(path_x, path_y, linewidth=2, c="#1f77b4")
# for x, y, theta in points:
# Plot.plotArrow(x, y, np.deg2rad(theta), 2, 'blueviolet')
# dynamic
for i in range(len(path_x)):
lambda event: [exit(0) if event.key == 'escape' else None])
plt.plot(path_x, path_y, linewidth=2, c="#1f77b4")
for x, y, theta in points:
Plot.plotArrow(x, y, np.deg2rad(theta), 2, 'blueviolet')
Plot.plotCar(path_x[i], path_y[i], path_yaw[i], 1.5, 3, "black")
def _calTauOmega(self, u, v, xi, eta, phi):
delta = self.M(u - v)
A = math.sin(u) - math.sin(delta)
B = math.cos(u) - math.cos(delta) - 1.0
t1 = math.atan2(eta * A - xi * B, xi * A + eta * B)
t2 = 2.0 * (math.cos(delta) - math.cos(v) - math.cos(u)) + 3.0
tau = self.M(t1 + math.pi) if t2 < 0 else self.M(t1)
omega = self.M(tau - u + v - phi)
return tau, omega
class for Path element
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
class Path:
class for Path element
def __init__(self, lengths: list = [], ctypes: list = [], x: list = [],
y: list = [], yaw: list = [], dirs: list = []):
self.lengths = lengths # lengths of each part of path (+: forward, -: backward)
self.ctypes = ctypes # type of each part of the path
self.path_length = sum([abs(i) for i in lengths]) # total path length
self.x = x # x-coordinate value of curve
self.y = y # y-coordinate value of curve
self.yaw = yaw # yaw value of curve
self.dirs = dirs # direction value of curve (1: forward, -1: backward)
CCC(x, y, phi)
Circle-Circle-Circle generation mode(using reflect, timeflip and backwards).
Name | Type | Description | Default |
x of goal position |
required |
y of goal position |
required |
goal orientation |
required |
Name | Type | Description |
paths |
Available paths |
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def CCC(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
# 8
Circle-Circle-Circle generation mode(using reflect, timeflip and backwards).
x (float): x of goal position
y (float): y of goal position
phi (float): goal orientation
paths (list): Available paths
paths = []
# L+R-L-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRL(x, y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, v], ctypes=["L", "R", "L"]))
# timefilp: L-R+L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRL(-x, y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, -u, -v], ctypes=["L", "R", "L"]))
# reflect: R+L-R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRL(x, -y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, v], ctypes=["R", "L", "R"]))
# timeflip + reflect: R-L+R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRL(-x, -y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, -u, -v], ctypes=["R", "L", "R"]))
# backwards
xb = x * math.cos(phi) + y * math.sin(phi)
yb = x * math.sin(phi) - y * math.cos(phi)
# backwards: L-R-L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRL(xb, yb, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[v, u, t], ctypes=["L", "R", "L"]))
# backwards + timefilp: L+R+L-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRL(-xb, yb, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-v, -u, -t], ctypes=["L", "R", "L"]))
# backwards + reflect: R-L-R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRL(xb, -yb, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[v, u, t], ctypes=["R", "L", "R"]))
# backwards + timeflip + reflect: R+L+R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRL(-xb, -yb, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-v, -u, -t], ctypes=["R", "L", "R"]))
return paths
CCCC(x, y, phi)
Circle-Circle(beta)-Circle(beta)-Circle generation mode (using reflect, timeflip and backwards).
Name | Type | Description | Default |
x of goal position |
required |
y of goal position |
required |
goal orientation |
required |
Name | Type | Description |
paths |
Available paths |
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def CCCC(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
# 8
Circle-Circle(beta)-Circle(beta)-Circle generation mode
(using reflect, timeflip and backwards).
x (float): x of goal position
y (float): y of goal position
phi (float): goal orientation
paths (list): Available paths
paths = []
# L+R+L-R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRLRn(x, y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, -u, v], ctypes=["L", "R", "L", "R"]))
# timefilp: L-R-L+R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRLRn(-x, y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, -u, u, -v], ctypes=["L", "R", "L", "R"]))
# reflect: R+L+R-L-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRLRn(x, -y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, -u, v], ctypes=["R", "L", "R", "L"]))
# timeflip + reflect: R-L-R+L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRLRn(-x, -y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, -u, u, -v], ctypes=["R", "L", "R", "L"]))
# L+R-L-R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRLRp(x, y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, u, v], ctypes=["L", "R", "L", "R"]))
# timefilp: L-R+L+R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRLRp(-x, y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, -u, -u, -v], ctypes=["L", "R", "L", "R"]))
# reflect: R+L-R-L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRLRp(x, -y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, u, v], ctypes=["R", "L", "R", "L"]))
# timeflip + reflect: R-L+R+L-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRLRp(-x, -y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, -u, -u, -v], ctypes=["R", "L", "R", "L"]))
return paths
CCSC(x, y, phi)
Circle-Circle(pi/2)-Straight-Circle and Circle-Straight-Circle(pi/2)-Circle generation mode (using reflect, timeflip and backwards).
Name | Type | Description | Default |
x of goal position |
required |
y of goal position |
required |
goal orientation |
required |
Name | Type | Description |
paths |
Available paths |
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def CCSC(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
# 16
Circle-Circle(pi/2)-Straight-Circle and Circle-Straight-Circle(pi/2)-Circle
generation mode (using reflect, timeflip and backwards).
x (float): x of goal position
y (float): y of goal position
phi (float): goal orientation
paths (list): Available paths
paths = []
# L+R-(pi/2)S-L-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSL(x, y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, -0.5 * math.pi, u, v], ctypes=["L", "R", "S", "L"]))
# timefilp: L-R+(pi/2)S+L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSL(-x, y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, 0.5 * math.pi, -u, -v], ctypes=["L", "R", "S", "L"]))
# reflect: R+L-(pi/2)S-R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSL(x, -y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, -0.5 * math.pi, u, v], ctypes=["R", "L", "S", "R"]))
# timeflip + reflect: R-L+(pi/2)S+R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSL(-x, -y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, 0.5 * math.pi, -u, -v], ctypes=["R", "L", "S", "R"]))
# L+R-(pi/2)S-R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSR(x, y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, -0.5 * math.pi, u, v], ctypes=["L", "R", "S", "R"]))
# timefilp: L-R+(pi/2)S+R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSR(-x, y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, 0.5 * math.pi, -u, -v], ctypes=["L", "R", "S", "R"]))
# reflect: R+L-(pi/2)S-L-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSR(x, -y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, -0.5 * math.pi, u, v], ctypes=["R", "L", "S", "L"]))
# timeflip + reflect: R-L+(pi/2)S+L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSR(-x, -y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, 0.5 * math.pi, -u, -v], ctypes=["R", "L", "S", "L"]))
# backwards
xb = x * math.cos(phi) + y * math.sin(phi)
yb = x * math.sin(phi) - y * math.cos(phi)
# backwards: L-S-R-(pi/2)L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSL(xb, yb, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[v, u, -0.5 * math.pi, t], ctypes=["L", "S", "R", "L"]))
# backwards + timefilp: L+S+R+(pi/2)L-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSL(-xb, yb, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-v, -u, 0.5 * math.pi, -t], ctypes=["L", "S", "R", "L"]))
# backwards + reflect: R-S-L-(pi/2)R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSL(xb, -yb, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[v, u, -0.5 * math.pi, t], ctypes=["R", "S", "L", "R"]))
# backwards + timefilp + reflect: R+S+L+(pi/2)R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSL(-xb, -yb, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-v, -u, 0.5 * math.pi, -t], ctypes=["R", "S", "L", "R"]))
# backwards: R-S-R-(pi/2)L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSR(xb, yb, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[v, u, -0.5 * math.pi, t], ctypes=["R", "S", "R", "L"]))
# backwards + timefilp: R+S+R+(pi/2)L-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSR(-xb, yb, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-v, -u, 0.5 * math.pi, -t], ctypes=["R", "S", "R", "L"]))
# backwards + reflect: L-S-L-(pi/2)R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSR(xb, -yb, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[v, u, -0.5 * math.pi, t], ctypes=["L", "S", "L", "R"]))
# backwards + timefilp + reflect: L+S+L+(pi/2)R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSR(-xb, -yb, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-v, -u, 0.5 * math.pi, -t], ctypes=["L", "S", "L", "R"]))
return paths
CCSCC(x, y, phi)
Circle-Circle(pi/2)-Straight--Circle(pi/2)-Circle generation mode (using reflect, timeflip and backwards).
Name | Type | Description | Default |
x of goal position |
required |
y of goal position |
required |
goal orientation |
required |
Name | Type | Description |
paths |
Available paths |
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def CCSCC(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
# 4
Circle-Circle(pi/2)-Straight--Circle(pi/2)-Circle generation mode (using reflect, timeflip and backwards).
x (float): x of goal position
y (float): y of goal position
phi (float): goal orientation
paths (list): Available paths
paths = []
# L+R-(pi/2)S-L-(pi/2)R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSLR(x, y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, -0.5 * math.pi, u, -0.5 * math.pi, v], ctypes=["L", "R", "S", "L", "R"]))
# timefilp: L-R+(pi/2)S+L+(pi/2)R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSLR(-x, y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, 0.5 * math.pi, -u, 0.5 * math.pi, -v], ctypes=["L", "R", "S", "L", "R"]))
# reflect: R+L-(pi/2)S-R-(pi/2)L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSLR(x, -y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, -0.5 * math.pi, u, -0.5 * math.pi, v], ctypes=["R", "L", "S", "R", "L"]))
# timefilp + reflect: R-L+(pi/2)S+R+(pi/2)L-
flag, t, u, v = self.LRSLR(-x, -y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, 0.5 * math.pi, -u, 0.5 * math.pi, -v], ctypes=["R", "L", "S", "R", "L"]))
return paths
CSC(x, y, phi)
Circle-Straight-Circle generation mode(using reflect, timeflip and backwards).
Name | Type | Description | Default |
x of goal position |
required |
y of goal position |
required |
goal orientation |
required |
Name | Type | Description |
paths |
Available paths |
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def CSC(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
# 8
Circle-Straight-Circle generation mode(using reflect, timeflip and backwards).
x (float): x of goal position
y (float): y of goal position
phi (float): goal orientation
paths (list): Available paths
paths = []
# L+S+L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LSL(x, y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, v], ctypes=["L", "S", "L"]))
# timefilp: L-S-L-
flag, t, u, v = self.LSL(-x, y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, -u, -v], ctypes=["L", "S", "L"]))
# reflect: R+S+R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LSL(x, -y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, v], ctypes=["R", "S", "R"]))
# timeflip + reflect: R-S-R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LSL(-x, -y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, -u, -v], ctypes=["R", "S", "R"]))
# L+S+R+
flag, t, u, v = self.LSR(x, y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, v], ctypes=["L", "S", "R"]))
# timefilp: L-S-R-
flag, t, u, v = self.LSR(-x, y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, -u, -v], ctypes=["L", "S", "R"]))
# reflect: R+S+L+
flag, t, u, v = self.LSR(x, -y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, v], ctypes=["R", "S", "L"]))
# timeflip + reflect: R+S+l-
flag, t, u, v = self.LSR(-x, -y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[-t, -u, -v], ctypes=["R", "S", "L"]))
return paths
LRL(x, y, phi)
Left-Right-Left generation mode. (L+R-L-)
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def LRL(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
Left-Right-Left generation mode. (L+R-L-)
r, theta = self.R(x - math.sin(phi), y - 1.0 + math.cos(phi))
if r <= 4.0:
u = -2.0 * math.asin(0.25 * r)
t = self.M(theta + 0.5 * u + math.pi)
v = self.M(phi - t + u)
if t >= 0.0 and u <= 0.0:
return True, t, u, v
return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
LRLRn(x, y, phi)
Left-Right(beta)-Left(beta)-Right generation mode. (L+R+L-R-)
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def LRLRn(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
Left-Right(beta)-Left(beta)-Right generation mode. (L+R+L-R-)
xi = x + math.sin(phi)
eta = y - 1.0 - math.cos(phi)
rho = 0.25 * (2.0 + math.sqrt(xi * xi + eta * eta))
if rho <= 1.0:
u = math.acos(rho)
t, v = self._calTauOmega(u, -u, xi, eta, phi)
if t >= 0.0 and v <= 0.0:
return True, t, u, v
return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
LRLRp(x, y, phi)
Left-Right(beta)-Left(beta)-Right generation mode. (L+R-L-R+)
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def LRLRp(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
Left-Right(beta)-Left(beta)-Right generation mode. (L+R-L-R+)
xi = x + math.sin(phi)
eta = y - 1.0 - math.cos(phi)
rho = (20.0 - xi * xi - eta * eta) / 16.0
if 0.0 <= rho <= 1.0:
u = -math.acos(rho)
if u >= -0.5 * math.pi:
t, v = self._calTauOmega(u, u, xi, eta, phi)
if t >= 0.0 and v >= 0.0:
return True, t, u, v
return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
LRSL(x, y, phi)
Left-Right(pi/2)-Straight-Left generation mode. (L+R-S-L-)
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def LRSL(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
Left-Right(pi/2)-Straight-Left generation mode. (L+R-S-L-)
xi = x - math.sin(phi)
eta = y - 1.0 + math.cos(phi)
rho, theta = self.R(xi, eta)
if rho >= 2.0:
r = math.sqrt(rho * rho - 4.0)
u = 2.0 - r
t = self.M(theta + math.atan2(r, -2.0))
v = self.M(phi - 0.5 * math.pi - t)
if t >= 0.0 and u <= 0.0 and v <= 0.0:
return True, t, u, v
return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
LRSLR(x, y, phi)
Left-Right(pi/2)-Straight-Left(pi/2)-Right generation mode. (L+R-S-L-R+)
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def LRSLR(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
Left-Right(pi/2)-Straight-Left(pi/2)-Right generation mode. (L+R-S-L-R+)
xi = x + math.sin(phi)
eta = y - 1.0 - math.cos(phi)
r, _ = self.R(xi, eta)
if r >= 2.0:
u = 4.0 - math.sqrt(r * r - 4.0)
if u <= 0.0:
t = self.M(math.atan2((4.0 - u) * xi - 2.0 * eta, -2.0 * xi + (u - 4.0) * eta))
v = self.M(t - phi)
if t >= 0.0 and v >= 0.0:
return True, t, u, v
return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
LRSR(x, y, phi)
Left-Right(pi/2)-Straight-Right generation mode. (L+R-S-R-)
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def LRSR(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
Left-Right(pi/2)-Straight-Right generation mode. (L+R-S-R-)
xi = x + math.sin(phi)
eta = y - 1.0 - math.cos(phi)
rho, theta = self.R(-eta, xi)
if rho >= 2.0:
t = theta
u = 2.0 - rho
v = self.M(t + 0.5 * math.pi - phi)
if t >= 0.0 and u <= 0.0 and v <= 0.0:
return True, t, u, v
return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
LSL(x, y, phi)
Left-Straight-Left generation mode. (L+S+L+)
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
LSR(x, y, phi)
Left-Straight-Right generation mode. (L+S+R+)
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def LSR(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
Left-Straight-Right generation mode. (L+S+R+)
r, theta = self.R(x + math.sin(phi), y - 1.0 - math.cos(phi))
r = r ** 2
if r >= 4.0:
u = math.sqrt(r - 4.0)
t = self.M(theta + math.atan2(2.0, u))
v = self.M(t - phi)
if t >= 0.0 and v >= 0.0:
return True, t, u, v
return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
Truncate the angle to the interval of -π to π.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Angle value |
required |
Name | Type | Description |
theta |
Truncated angle value |
R(x, y)
Return the polar coordinates (r, theta) of the point (x, y) i.e. rcos(theta) = x; rsin(theta) = y
Name | Type | Description | Default |
x-coordinate value |
required |
y-coordinate value |
required |
Type | Description |
r, theta (float): Polar coordinates |
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def R(self, x, y):
Return the polar coordinates (r, theta) of the point (x, y)
i.e. rcos(theta) = x; rsin(theta) = y
x (float): x-coordinate value
y (float): y-coordinate value
r, theta (float): Polar coordinates
r = math.hypot(x, y)
theta = math.atan2(y, x)
return r, theta
SCS(x, y, phi)
Straight-Circle-Straight generation mode(using reflect).
Name | Type | Description | Default |
x of goal position |
required |
y of goal position |
required |
goal orientation |
required |
Name | Type | Description |
paths |
Available paths |
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def SCS(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
# 2
Straight-Circle-Straight generation mode(using reflect).
x (float): x of goal position
y (float): y of goal position
phi (float): goal orientation
paths (list): Available paths
paths = []
flag, t, u, v = self.SLS(x, y, phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, v], ctypes=["S", "L", "S"]))
flag, t, u, v = self.SLS(x, -y, -phi)
if flag:
paths.append(self.Path(lengths=[t, u, v], ctypes=["S", "R", "S"]))
return paths
SLS(x, y, phi)
Straight-Left-Straight generation mode.
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def SLS(self, x: float, y: float, phi: float):
Straight-Left-Straight generation mode.
phi = self.M(phi)
if y > 0.0 and 0.0 < phi < math.pi * 0.99:
xd = -y / math.tan(phi) + x
t = xd - math.tan(phi / 2.0)
u = phi
v = math.sqrt((x - xd) ** 2 + y ** 2) - math.tan(phi / 2.0)
return True, t, u, v
elif y < 0.0 and 0.0 < phi < math.pi * 0.99:
xd = -y / math.tan(phi) + x
t = xd - math.tan(phi / 2.0)
u = phi
v = -math.sqrt((x - xd) ** 2 + y ** 2) - math.tan(phi / 2.0)
return True, t, u, v
return False, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
generation(start_pose, goal_pose)
Generate the Reeds Shepp Curve.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Initial pose (x, y, yaw) |
required |
Target pose (x, y, yaw) |
required |
Name | Type | Description |
best_cost |
Best planning path length |
best_mode |
Best motion modes |
x_list |
Trajectory of x |
y_list |
Trajectory of y |
yaw_list |
Trajectory of yaw |
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def generation(self, start_pose: tuple, goal_pose: tuple):
Generate the Reeds Shepp Curve.
start_pose (tuple): Initial pose (x, y, yaw)
goal_pose (tuple): Target pose (x, y, yaw)
best_cost (float): Best planning path length
best_mode: Best motion modes
x_list (list): Trajectory of x
y_list (list): Trajectory of y
yaw_list (list): Trajectory of yaw
sx, sy, syaw = start_pose
gx, gy, gyaw = goal_pose
# coordinate transformation
dx, dy, dyaw = gx - sx, gy - sy, gyaw - syaw
x = (math.cos(syaw) * dx + math.sin(syaw) * dy) * self.max_curv
y = (-math.sin(syaw) * dx + math.cos(syaw) * dy) * self.max_curv
# select the best motion
planners = [self.SCS, self.CCC, self.CSC, self.CCCC, self.CCSC, self.CCSCC]
best_path, best_cost = None, float("inf")
for planner in planners:
paths = planner(x, y, dyaw)
for path in paths:
if path.path_length < best_cost:
best_path, best_cost = path, path.path_length
# interpolation
points_num = int(best_cost / self.step) + len(best_path.lengths) + 3
x_list = [0.0 for _ in range(points_num)]
y_list = [0.0 for _ in range(points_num)]
yaw_list = [0.0 for _ in range(points_num)]
i = 0
for mode_, seg_length in zip(best_path.ctypes, best_path.lengths):
# path increment
d_length = self.step if seg_length > 0.0 else -self.step
x, y, yaw = x_list[i], y_list[i], yaw_list[i]
# current path length
length = d_length
while abs(length) <= abs(seg_length):
i += 1
x_list[i], y_list[i], yaw_list[i] = self.interpolate(mode_, length, (x, y, yaw))
length += d_length
i += 1
x_list[i], y_list[i], yaw_list[i] = self.interpolate(mode_, seg_length, (x, y, yaw))
# failed
if len(x_list) <= 1:
return None, None, [], [], []
# remove unused data
while len(x_list) >= 1 and x_list[-1] == 0.0:
# coordinate transformation
x_list_ = [math.cos(-syaw) * ix + math.sin(-syaw) * iy + sx for (ix, iy) in zip(x_list, y_list)]
y_list_ = [-math.sin(-syaw) * ix + math.cos(-syaw) * iy + sy for (ix, iy) in zip(x_list, y_list)]
yaw_list_ = [self.pi2pi(iyaw + syaw) for iyaw in yaw_list]
return best_cost / self.max_curv, best_path.ctypes, x_list_, y_list_, yaw_list_
interpolate(mode, length, init_pose)
Planning path interpolation.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
motion, e.g., L, S, R |
required |
Single step motion path length |
required |
Initial pose (x, y, yaw) |
required |
Name | Type | Description |
new_pose |
New pose (new_x, new_y, new_yaw) after moving |
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def interpolate(self, mode: str, length: float, init_pose: tuple):
Planning path interpolation.
mode (str): motion, e.g., L, S, R
length (float): Single step motion path length
init_pose (tuple): Initial pose (x, y, yaw)
new_pose (tuple): New pose (new_x, new_y, new_yaw) after moving
x, y, yaw = init_pose
if mode == "S":
new_x = x + length / self.max_curv * math.cos(yaw)
new_y = y + length / self.max_curv * math.sin(yaw)
new_yaw = yaw
elif mode == "L":
new_x = x + (math.sin(yaw + length) - math.sin(yaw)) / self.max_curv
new_y = y - (math.cos(yaw + length) - math.cos(yaw)) / self.max_curv
new_yaw = yaw + length
elif mode == "R":
new_x = x - (math.sin(yaw - length) - math.sin(yaw)) / self.max_curv
new_y = y + (math.cos(yaw - length) - math.cos(yaw)) / self.max_curv
new_yaw = yaw - length
raise NotImplementedError
return new_x, new_y, new_yaw
Running both generation and animation.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
path points |
required |
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def run(self, points: list):
Running both generation and animation.
points (list[tuple]): path points
assert len(points) >= 2, "Number of points should be at least 2."
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# generation
path_x, path_y, path_yaw = [], [], []
for i in range(len(points) - 1):
_, _, x_list, y_list, yaw_list = self.generation(
(points[i][0], points[i][1], np.deg2rad(points[i][2])),
(points[i + 1][0], points[i + 1][1], np.deg2rad(points[i + 1][2])))
for j in range(len(x_list)):
# animation
plt.figure("curve generation")
# # static
# plt.plot(path_x, path_y, linewidth=2, c="#1f77b4")
# for x, y, theta in points:
# Plot.plotArrow(x, y, np.deg2rad(theta), 2, 'blueviolet')
# dynamic
for i in range(len(path_x)):
lambda event: [exit(0) if event.key == 'escape' else None])
plt.plot(path_x, path_y, linewidth=2, c="#1f77b4")
for x, y, theta in points:
Plot.plotArrow(x, y, np.deg2rad(theta), 2, 'blueviolet')
Plot.plotCar(path_x[i], path_y[i], path_yaw[i], 1.5, 3, "black")