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Bases: Curve

Class for Dubins curve generation.


Name Type Description Default
step float

Simulation or interpolation size

max_curv float

The maximum curvature of the curve



Python Console Session
>>> from python_motion_planning.curve_generation import Dubins
>>>     points = [(0, 0, 0), (10, 10, -90), (20, 5, 60)]
>>> generator = Dubins(step, max_curv)

[1] On curves of minimal length with a constraint on average curvature, and with prescribed initial and terminal positions and tangents

Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
class Dubins(Curve):
	Class for Dubins curve generation.

		step (float): Simulation or interpolation size
		max_curv (float): The maximum curvature of the curve

		>>> from python_motion_planning.curve_generation import Dubins
		>>>	points = [(0, 0, 0), (10, 10, -90), (20, 5, 60)]
		>>> generator = Dubins(step, max_curv)

		[1] On curves of minimal length with a constraint on average curvature, and with prescribed initial and terminal positions and tangents
	def __init__(self, step: float, max_curv: float) -> None:
		self.max_curv = max_curv

	def __str__(self) -> str:
		return "Dubins Curve"

	def LSL(self, alpha: float, beta: float, dist: float):
		Left-Straight-Left generation mode.

			alpha (float): Initial pose of (0, 0, alpha)
			beta (float): Goal pose of (dist, 0, beta)
			dist (float): The distance between the initial and goal pose

			t (float): Moving lenght of segments
			p (float): Moving lenght of segments
			q (float): Moving lenght of segments
			mode (list): Motion mode
		sin_a, sin_b, cos_a, cos_b, _, cos_a_b  = self.trigonometric(alpha, beta)

		p_lsl = 2 + dist ** 2 - 2 * cos_a_b + 2 * dist * (sin_a - sin_b)
		if p_lsl < 0:
			return None, None, None, ["L", "S", "L"]
			p_lsl = math.sqrt(p_lsl)

		t_lsl = self.mod2pi(-alpha + math.atan2(cos_b - cos_a, dist + sin_a - sin_b))
		q_lsl = self.mod2pi(beta - math.atan2(cos_b - cos_a, dist + sin_a - sin_b))

		return t_lsl, p_lsl, q_lsl, ["L", "S", "L"]

	def RSR(self, alpha: float, beta: float, dist: float):
		Right-Straight-Right generation mode.

			alpha (float): Initial pose of (0, 0, alpha)
			beta (float): Goal pose of (dist, 0, beta)

			t (float): Moving lenght of segments
			p (float): Moving lenght of segments
			q (float): Moving lenght of segments
			mode (list): Motion mode
		sin_a, sin_b, cos_a, cos_b, _, cos_a_b  = self.trigonometric(alpha, beta)

		p_rsr = 2 + dist ** 2 - 2 * cos_a_b + 2 * dist * (sin_b - sin_a)
		if p_rsr < 0:
			return None, None, None, ["R", "S", "R"]
			p_rsr = math.sqrt(p_rsr)

		t_rsr = self.mod2pi(alpha - math.atan2(cos_a - cos_b, dist - sin_a + sin_b))
		q_rsr = self.mod2pi(-beta + math.atan2(cos_a - cos_b, dist - sin_a + sin_b))

		return t_rsr, p_rsr, q_rsr, ["R", "S", "R"]

	def LSR(self, alpha: float, beta: float, dist: float):
		Left-Straight-Right generation mode.

			alpha (float): Initial pose of (0, 0, alpha)
			beta (float): Goal pose of (dist, 0, beta)
			dist (float): The distance between the initial and goal pose

			t (float): Moving lenght of segments
			p (float): Moving lenght of segments
			q (float): Moving lenght of segments
			mode (list): Motion mode
		sin_a, sin_b, cos_a, cos_b, _, cos_a_b  = self.trigonometric(alpha, beta)

		p_lsr = -2 + dist ** 2 + 2 * cos_a_b + 2 * dist * (sin_a + sin_b)
		if p_lsr < 0:
			return None, None, None, ["L", "S", "R"]
			p_lsr = math.sqrt(p_lsr)

		t_lsr = self.mod2pi(-alpha + math.atan2(-cos_a - cos_b, dist + sin_a + sin_b) - math.atan2(-2.0, p_lsr))
		q_lsr = self.mod2pi(-beta + math.atan2(-cos_a - cos_b, dist + sin_a + sin_b) - math.atan2(-2.0, p_lsr))

		return t_lsr, p_lsr, q_lsr, ["L", "S", "R"]

	def RSL(self, alpha: float, beta: float, dist: float):
		Right-Straight-Left generation mode.

			alpha (float): Initial pose of (0, 0, alpha)
			beta (float): Goal pose of (dist, 0, beta)
			dist (float): The distance between the initial and goal pose

			t (float): Moving lenght of segments
			p (float): Moving lenght of segments
			q (float): Moving lenght of segments
			mode (list): Motion mode
		sin_a, sin_b, cos_a, cos_b, _, cos_a_b  = self.trigonometric(alpha, beta)

		p_rsl = -2 + dist ** 2 + 2 * cos_a_b - 2 * dist * (sin_a + sin_b)
		if p_rsl < 0:
			return None, None, None, ["R", "S", "L"]
			p_rsl = math.sqrt(p_rsl)

		t_rsl = self.mod2pi(alpha - math.atan2(cos_a + cos_b, dist - sin_a - sin_b) + math.atan2(2.0, p_rsl))
		q_rsl = self.mod2pi(beta - math.atan2(cos_a + cos_b, dist - sin_a - sin_b) + math.atan2(2.0, p_rsl))

		return t_rsl, p_rsl, q_rsl, ["R", "S", "L"]

	def RLR(self, alpha: float, beta: float, dist: float):
		Right-Left-Right generation mode.

			alpha (float): Initial pose of (0, 0, alpha)
			beta (float): Goal pose of (dist, 0, beta)
			dist (float): The distance between the initial and goal pose

			t (float): Moving lenght of segments
			p (float): Moving lenght of segments
			q (float): Moving lenght of segments
			mode (list): Motion mode
		sin_a, sin_b, cos_a, cos_b, _, cos_a_b  = self.trigonometric(alpha, beta)

		p_rlr = (6.0 - dist ** 2 + 2.0 * cos_a_b + 2.0 * dist * (sin_a - sin_b)) / 8.0
		if abs(p_rlr) > 1.0:
			return None, None, None, ["R", "L", "R"]
			p_rlr = self.mod2pi(2 * math.pi - math.acos(p_rlr))

		t_rlr = self.mod2pi(alpha - math.atan2(cos_a - cos_b, dist - sin_a + sin_b) + p_rlr / 2.0)
		q_rlr = self.mod2pi(alpha - beta - t_rlr + p_rlr)

		return t_rlr, p_rlr, q_rlr, ["R", "L", "R"]

	def LRL(self, alpha: float, beta: float, dist: float):
		Left-Right-Left generation mode.

			alpha (float): Initial pose of (0, 0, alpha)
			beta (float): Goal pose of (dist, 0, beta)
			dist (float): The distance between the initial and goal pose

			t (float): Moving lenght of segments
			p (float): Moving lenght of segments
			q (float): Moving lenght of segments
			mode (list): Motion mode
		sin_a, sin_b, cos_a, cos_b, _, cos_a_b  = self.trigonometric(alpha, beta)

		p_lrl = (6.0 - dist ** 2 + 2.0 * cos_a_b + 2.0 * dist * (sin_a - sin_b)) / 8.0
		if abs(p_lrl) > 1.0:
			return None, None, None, ["L", "R", "L"]
			p_lrl = self.mod2pi(2 * math.pi - math.acos(p_lrl))

		t_lrl = self.mod2pi(-alpha + math.atan2(-cos_a + cos_b, dist + sin_a - sin_b) + p_lrl / 2.0)
		q_lrl = self.mod2pi(beta - alpha - t_lrl + p_lrl)

		return t_lrl, p_lrl, q_lrl, ["L", "R", "L"]    

	def interpolate(self, mode: str, length: float, init_pose: tuple):
		Planning path interpolation.

			mode (str): motion, e.g., L, S, R
			length (float): Single step motion path length
			init_pose (tuple): Initial pose (x, y, yaw)

			new_pose (tuple): New pose (new_x, new_y, new_yaw) after moving
		x, y, yaw = init_pose

		if mode == "S":
			new_x   = x + length / self.max_curv * math.cos(yaw)
			new_y   = y + length / self.max_curv * math.sin(yaw)
			new_yaw = yaw
		elif mode == "L":
			new_x   = x + (math.sin(yaw + length) - math.sin(yaw)) / self.max_curv
			new_y   = y - (math.cos(yaw + length) - math.cos(yaw)) / self.max_curv
			new_yaw = yaw + length
		elif mode == "R":
			new_x   = x - (math.sin(yaw - length) - math.sin(yaw)) / self.max_curv
			new_y   = y + (math.cos(yaw - length) - math.cos(yaw)) / self.max_curv
			new_yaw = yaw - length
			raise NotImplementedError

		return new_x, new_y, new_yaw

	def generation(self, start_pose: tuple, goal_pose: tuple):
		Generate the Dubins Curve.

			start_pose (tuple): Initial pose (x, y, yaw)
			goal_pose (tuple): Target pose (x, y, yaw)

			best_cost (float): Best planning path length
			best_mode (list): Best motion modes
			x_list (list): Trajectory of x
			y_list (list): Trajectory of y
			yaw_list (list): Trajectory of yaw
		sx, sy, syaw = start_pose
		gx, gy, gyaw = goal_pose

		# coordinate transformation
		gx, gy = gx - sx, gy - sy
		theta = self.mod2pi(math.atan2(gy, gx))
		dist = math.hypot(gx, gy) * self.max_curv
		alpha = self.mod2pi(syaw - theta)
		beta = self.mod2pi(gyaw - theta)

		# select the best motion
		planners = [self.LSL, self.RSR, self.LSR, self.RSL, self.RLR, self.LRL]
		best_t, best_p, best_q, best_mode, best_cost = None, None, None, None, float("inf")

		for planner in planners:
			t, p, q, mode = planner(alpha, beta, dist)
			if t is None:
			cost = (abs(t) + abs(p) + abs(q))
			if best_cost > cost:
				best_t, best_p, best_q, best_mode, best_cost = t, p, q, mode, cost

		# interpolation
		segments = [best_t, best_p, best_q]
		points_num = int(sum(segments) / self.step) + len(segments) + 3
		x_list = [0.0 for _ in range(points_num)]
		y_list = [0.0 for _ in range(points_num)]
		yaw_list = [alpha for _ in range(points_num)]

		i = 0
		for mode_, seg_length in zip(best_mode, segments):
			# path increment
			d_length = self.step if seg_length > 0.0 else -self.step
			x, y, yaw = x_list[i], y_list[i], yaw_list[i]
			# current path length
			length = d_length
			while abs(length) <= abs(seg_length):
				i += 1
				x_list[i], y_list[i], yaw_list[i] = self.interpolate(mode_, length, (x, y, yaw))
				length += d_length
			i += 1
			x_list[i], y_list[i], yaw_list[i] = self.interpolate(mode_, seg_length, (x, y, yaw))

		# failed
		if len(x_list) <= 1:
			return None, None, [], [], []

		# remove unused data
		while len(x_list) >= 1 and x_list[-1] == 0.0:

		# coordinate transformation
		rot = Rot.from_euler('z', theta).as_matrix()[0:2, 0:2]
		converted_xy = rot @ np.stack([x_list, y_list])
		x_list = converted_xy[0, :] + sx
		y_list = converted_xy[1, :] + sy
		yaw_list = [self.pi2pi(i_yaw + theta) for i_yaw in yaw_list]

		return best_cost, best_mode, x_list, y_list, yaw_list

	def run(self, points: list):
		Running both generation and animation.

			points (list[tuple]): path points
		assert len(points) >= 2, "Number of points should be at least 2."
		import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

		# generation
		path_x, path_y, path_yaw = [], [], []
		for i in range(len(points) - 1):
			_, _, x_list, y_list, yaw_list = self.generation(
				(points[i][0], points[i][1], np.deg2rad(points[i][2])),
				(points[i + 1][0], points[i + 1][1], np.deg2rad(points[i + 1][2])))

			for j in range(len(x_list)):

		# animation
		plt.figure("curve generation")
		plt.plot(path_x, path_y, linewidth=2, c="#1f77b4")
		for x, y, theta in points:
			Plot.plotArrow(x, y, np.deg2rad(theta), 2, 'blueviolet')


LRL(alpha, beta, dist)

Left-Right-Left generation mode.


Name Type Description Default
alpha float

Initial pose of (0, 0, alpha)

beta float

Goal pose of (dist, 0, beta)

dist float

The distance between the initial and goal pose



Name Type Description
t float

Moving lenght of segments

p float

Moving lenght of segments

q float

Moving lenght of segments

mode list

Motion mode

Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def LRL(self, alpha: float, beta: float, dist: float):
	Left-Right-Left generation mode.

		alpha (float): Initial pose of (0, 0, alpha)
		beta (float): Goal pose of (dist, 0, beta)
		dist (float): The distance between the initial and goal pose

		t (float): Moving lenght of segments
		p (float): Moving lenght of segments
		q (float): Moving lenght of segments
		mode (list): Motion mode
	sin_a, sin_b, cos_a, cos_b, _, cos_a_b  = self.trigonometric(alpha, beta)

	p_lrl = (6.0 - dist ** 2 + 2.0 * cos_a_b + 2.0 * dist * (sin_a - sin_b)) / 8.0
	if abs(p_lrl) > 1.0:
		return None, None, None, ["L", "R", "L"]
		p_lrl = self.mod2pi(2 * math.pi - math.acos(p_lrl))

	t_lrl = self.mod2pi(-alpha + math.atan2(-cos_a + cos_b, dist + sin_a - sin_b) + p_lrl / 2.0)
	q_lrl = self.mod2pi(beta - alpha - t_lrl + p_lrl)

	return t_lrl, p_lrl, q_lrl, ["L", "R", "L"]    

LSL(alpha, beta, dist)

Left-Straight-Left generation mode.


Name Type Description Default
alpha float

Initial pose of (0, 0, alpha)

beta float

Goal pose of (dist, 0, beta)

dist float

The distance between the initial and goal pose



Name Type Description
t float

Moving lenght of segments

p float

Moving lenght of segments

q float

Moving lenght of segments

mode list

Motion mode

Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def LSL(self, alpha: float, beta: float, dist: float):
	Left-Straight-Left generation mode.

		alpha (float): Initial pose of (0, 0, alpha)
		beta (float): Goal pose of (dist, 0, beta)
		dist (float): The distance between the initial and goal pose

		t (float): Moving lenght of segments
		p (float): Moving lenght of segments
		q (float): Moving lenght of segments
		mode (list): Motion mode
	sin_a, sin_b, cos_a, cos_b, _, cos_a_b  = self.trigonometric(alpha, beta)

	p_lsl = 2 + dist ** 2 - 2 * cos_a_b + 2 * dist * (sin_a - sin_b)
	if p_lsl < 0:
		return None, None, None, ["L", "S", "L"]
		p_lsl = math.sqrt(p_lsl)

	t_lsl = self.mod2pi(-alpha + math.atan2(cos_b - cos_a, dist + sin_a - sin_b))
	q_lsl = self.mod2pi(beta - math.atan2(cos_b - cos_a, dist + sin_a - sin_b))

	return t_lsl, p_lsl, q_lsl, ["L", "S", "L"]

LSR(alpha, beta, dist)

Left-Straight-Right generation mode.


Name Type Description Default
alpha float

Initial pose of (0, 0, alpha)

beta float

Goal pose of (dist, 0, beta)

dist float

The distance between the initial and goal pose



Name Type Description
t float

Moving lenght of segments

p float

Moving lenght of segments

q float

Moving lenght of segments

mode list

Motion mode

Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def LSR(self, alpha: float, beta: float, dist: float):
	Left-Straight-Right generation mode.

		alpha (float): Initial pose of (0, 0, alpha)
		beta (float): Goal pose of (dist, 0, beta)
		dist (float): The distance between the initial and goal pose

		t (float): Moving lenght of segments
		p (float): Moving lenght of segments
		q (float): Moving lenght of segments
		mode (list): Motion mode
	sin_a, sin_b, cos_a, cos_b, _, cos_a_b  = self.trigonometric(alpha, beta)

	p_lsr = -2 + dist ** 2 + 2 * cos_a_b + 2 * dist * (sin_a + sin_b)
	if p_lsr < 0:
		return None, None, None, ["L", "S", "R"]
		p_lsr = math.sqrt(p_lsr)

	t_lsr = self.mod2pi(-alpha + math.atan2(-cos_a - cos_b, dist + sin_a + sin_b) - math.atan2(-2.0, p_lsr))
	q_lsr = self.mod2pi(-beta + math.atan2(-cos_a - cos_b, dist + sin_a + sin_b) - math.atan2(-2.0, p_lsr))

	return t_lsr, p_lsr, q_lsr, ["L", "S", "R"]

RLR(alpha, beta, dist)

Right-Left-Right generation mode.


Name Type Description Default
alpha float

Initial pose of (0, 0, alpha)

beta float

Goal pose of (dist, 0, beta)

dist float

The distance between the initial and goal pose



Name Type Description
t float

Moving lenght of segments

p float

Moving lenght of segments

q float

Moving lenght of segments

mode list

Motion mode

Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def RLR(self, alpha: float, beta: float, dist: float):
	Right-Left-Right generation mode.

		alpha (float): Initial pose of (0, 0, alpha)
		beta (float): Goal pose of (dist, 0, beta)
		dist (float): The distance between the initial and goal pose

		t (float): Moving lenght of segments
		p (float): Moving lenght of segments
		q (float): Moving lenght of segments
		mode (list): Motion mode
	sin_a, sin_b, cos_a, cos_b, _, cos_a_b  = self.trigonometric(alpha, beta)

	p_rlr = (6.0 - dist ** 2 + 2.0 * cos_a_b + 2.0 * dist * (sin_a - sin_b)) / 8.0
	if abs(p_rlr) > 1.0:
		return None, None, None, ["R", "L", "R"]
		p_rlr = self.mod2pi(2 * math.pi - math.acos(p_rlr))

	t_rlr = self.mod2pi(alpha - math.atan2(cos_a - cos_b, dist - sin_a + sin_b) + p_rlr / 2.0)
	q_rlr = self.mod2pi(alpha - beta - t_rlr + p_rlr)

	return t_rlr, p_rlr, q_rlr, ["R", "L", "R"]

RSL(alpha, beta, dist)

Right-Straight-Left generation mode.


Name Type Description Default
alpha float

Initial pose of (0, 0, alpha)

beta float

Goal pose of (dist, 0, beta)

dist float

The distance between the initial and goal pose



Name Type Description
t float

Moving lenght of segments

p float

Moving lenght of segments

q float

Moving lenght of segments

mode list

Motion mode

Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def RSL(self, alpha: float, beta: float, dist: float):
	Right-Straight-Left generation mode.

		alpha (float): Initial pose of (0, 0, alpha)
		beta (float): Goal pose of (dist, 0, beta)
		dist (float): The distance between the initial and goal pose

		t (float): Moving lenght of segments
		p (float): Moving lenght of segments
		q (float): Moving lenght of segments
		mode (list): Motion mode
	sin_a, sin_b, cos_a, cos_b, _, cos_a_b  = self.trigonometric(alpha, beta)

	p_rsl = -2 + dist ** 2 + 2 * cos_a_b - 2 * dist * (sin_a + sin_b)
	if p_rsl < 0:
		return None, None, None, ["R", "S", "L"]
		p_rsl = math.sqrt(p_rsl)

	t_rsl = self.mod2pi(alpha - math.atan2(cos_a + cos_b, dist - sin_a - sin_b) + math.atan2(2.0, p_rsl))
	q_rsl = self.mod2pi(beta - math.atan2(cos_a + cos_b, dist - sin_a - sin_b) + math.atan2(2.0, p_rsl))

	return t_rsl, p_rsl, q_rsl, ["R", "S", "L"]

RSR(alpha, beta, dist)

Right-Straight-Right generation mode.


Name Type Description Default
alpha float

Initial pose of (0, 0, alpha)

beta float

Goal pose of (dist, 0, beta)



Name Type Description
t float

Moving lenght of segments

p float

Moving lenght of segments

q float

Moving lenght of segments

mode list

Motion mode

Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def RSR(self, alpha: float, beta: float, dist: float):
	Right-Straight-Right generation mode.

		alpha (float): Initial pose of (0, 0, alpha)
		beta (float): Goal pose of (dist, 0, beta)

		t (float): Moving lenght of segments
		p (float): Moving lenght of segments
		q (float): Moving lenght of segments
		mode (list): Motion mode
	sin_a, sin_b, cos_a, cos_b, _, cos_a_b  = self.trigonometric(alpha, beta)

	p_rsr = 2 + dist ** 2 - 2 * cos_a_b + 2 * dist * (sin_b - sin_a)
	if p_rsr < 0:
		return None, None, None, ["R", "S", "R"]
		p_rsr = math.sqrt(p_rsr)

	t_rsr = self.mod2pi(alpha - math.atan2(cos_a - cos_b, dist - sin_a + sin_b))
	q_rsr = self.mod2pi(-beta + math.atan2(cos_a - cos_b, dist - sin_a + sin_b))

	return t_rsr, p_rsr, q_rsr, ["R", "S", "R"]

generation(start_pose, goal_pose)

Generate the Dubins Curve.


Name Type Description Default
start_pose tuple

Initial pose (x, y, yaw)

goal_pose tuple

Target pose (x, y, yaw)



Name Type Description
best_cost float

Best planning path length

best_mode list

Best motion modes

x_list list

Trajectory of x

y_list list

Trajectory of y

yaw_list list

Trajectory of yaw

Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def generation(self, start_pose: tuple, goal_pose: tuple):
	Generate the Dubins Curve.

		start_pose (tuple): Initial pose (x, y, yaw)
		goal_pose (tuple): Target pose (x, y, yaw)

		best_cost (float): Best planning path length
		best_mode (list): Best motion modes
		x_list (list): Trajectory of x
		y_list (list): Trajectory of y
		yaw_list (list): Trajectory of yaw
	sx, sy, syaw = start_pose
	gx, gy, gyaw = goal_pose

	# coordinate transformation
	gx, gy = gx - sx, gy - sy
	theta = self.mod2pi(math.atan2(gy, gx))
	dist = math.hypot(gx, gy) * self.max_curv
	alpha = self.mod2pi(syaw - theta)
	beta = self.mod2pi(gyaw - theta)

	# select the best motion
	planners = [self.LSL, self.RSR, self.LSR, self.RSL, self.RLR, self.LRL]
	best_t, best_p, best_q, best_mode, best_cost = None, None, None, None, float("inf")

	for planner in planners:
		t, p, q, mode = planner(alpha, beta, dist)
		if t is None:
		cost = (abs(t) + abs(p) + abs(q))
		if best_cost > cost:
			best_t, best_p, best_q, best_mode, best_cost = t, p, q, mode, cost

	# interpolation
	segments = [best_t, best_p, best_q]
	points_num = int(sum(segments) / self.step) + len(segments) + 3
	x_list = [0.0 for _ in range(points_num)]
	y_list = [0.0 for _ in range(points_num)]
	yaw_list = [alpha for _ in range(points_num)]

	i = 0
	for mode_, seg_length in zip(best_mode, segments):
		# path increment
		d_length = self.step if seg_length > 0.0 else -self.step
		x, y, yaw = x_list[i], y_list[i], yaw_list[i]
		# current path length
		length = d_length
		while abs(length) <= abs(seg_length):
			i += 1
			x_list[i], y_list[i], yaw_list[i] = self.interpolate(mode_, length, (x, y, yaw))
			length += d_length
		i += 1
		x_list[i], y_list[i], yaw_list[i] = self.interpolate(mode_, seg_length, (x, y, yaw))

	# failed
	if len(x_list) <= 1:
		return None, None, [], [], []

	# remove unused data
	while len(x_list) >= 1 and x_list[-1] == 0.0:

	# coordinate transformation
	rot = Rot.from_euler('z', theta).as_matrix()[0:2, 0:2]
	converted_xy = rot @ np.stack([x_list, y_list])
	x_list = converted_xy[0, :] + sx
	y_list = converted_xy[1, :] + sy
	yaw_list = [self.pi2pi(i_yaw + theta) for i_yaw in yaw_list]

	return best_cost, best_mode, x_list, y_list, yaw_list

interpolate(mode, length, init_pose)

Planning path interpolation.


Name Type Description Default
mode str

motion, e.g., L, S, R

length float

Single step motion path length

init_pose tuple

Initial pose (x, y, yaw)



Name Type Description
new_pose tuple

New pose (new_x, new_y, new_yaw) after moving

Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def interpolate(self, mode: str, length: float, init_pose: tuple):
	Planning path interpolation.

		mode (str): motion, e.g., L, S, R
		length (float): Single step motion path length
		init_pose (tuple): Initial pose (x, y, yaw)

		new_pose (tuple): New pose (new_x, new_y, new_yaw) after moving
	x, y, yaw = init_pose

	if mode == "S":
		new_x   = x + length / self.max_curv * math.cos(yaw)
		new_y   = y + length / self.max_curv * math.sin(yaw)
		new_yaw = yaw
	elif mode == "L":
		new_x   = x + (math.sin(yaw + length) - math.sin(yaw)) / self.max_curv
		new_y   = y - (math.cos(yaw + length) - math.cos(yaw)) / self.max_curv
		new_yaw = yaw + length
	elif mode == "R":
		new_x   = x - (math.sin(yaw - length) - math.sin(yaw)) / self.max_curv
		new_y   = y + (math.cos(yaw - length) - math.cos(yaw)) / self.max_curv
		new_yaw = yaw - length
		raise NotImplementedError

	return new_x, new_y, new_yaw


Running both generation and animation.


Name Type Description Default
points list[tuple]

path points

Source code in src\python_motion_planning\curve_generation\
def run(self, points: list):
	Running both generation and animation.

		points (list[tuple]): path points
	assert len(points) >= 2, "Number of points should be at least 2."
	import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

	# generation
	path_x, path_y, path_yaw = [], [], []
	for i in range(len(points) - 1):
		_, _, x_list, y_list, yaw_list = self.generation(
			(points[i][0], points[i][1], np.deg2rad(points[i][2])),
			(points[i + 1][0], points[i + 1][1], np.deg2rad(points[i + 1][2])))

		for j in range(len(x_list)):

	# animation
	plt.figure("curve generation")
	plt.plot(path_x, path_y, linewidth=2, c="#1f77b4")
	for x, y, theta in points:
		Plot.plotArrow(x, y, np.deg2rad(theta), 2, 'blueviolet')
