Bases: LocalPlanner
Class for Model Predicted Control (MPC) motion planning.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
start point coordinate |
required |
goal point coordinate |
required |
environment |
required |
heuristic function type |
other parameters can be found in the parent class LocalPlanner |
Python Console Session
>>> from python_motion_planning.utils import Grid
>>> from python_motion_planning.local_planner import MPC
>>> start = (5, 5, 0)
>>> goal = (45, 25, 0)
>>> env = Grid(51, 31)
>>> planner = MPC(start, goal, env)
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\local_planner\
class MPC(LocalPlanner):
Class for Model Predicted Control (MPC) motion planning.
start (tuple): start point coordinate
goal (tuple): goal point coordinate
env (Env): environment
heuristic_type (str): heuristic function type
**params: other parameters can be found in the parent class LocalPlanner
>>> from python_motion_planning.utils import Grid
>>> from python_motion_planning.local_planner import MPC
>>> start = (5, 5, 0)
>>> goal = (45, 25, 0)
>>> env = Grid(51, 31)
>>> planner = MPC(start, goal, env)
def __init__(self, start: tuple, goal: tuple, env: Env, heuristic_type: str = "euclidean", **params) -> None:
super().__init__(start, goal, env, heuristic_type, **params)
# MPC parameters
self.p = 12
self.m = 8
self.Q = np.diag([0.8, 0.8, 0.5])
self.R = np.diag([2, 2])
self.u_min = np.array([[self.params["MIN_V"]], [self.params["MIN_W"]]])
self.u_max = np.array([[self.params["MAX_V"]], [self.params["MAX_W"]]])
# self.du_min = np.array([[self.params["MIN_V"]], [self.params["MIN_W"]]])
self.du_min = np.array([[self.params["MIN_V_INC"]], [self.params["MIN_W_INC"]]])
self.du_max = np.array([[self.params["MAX_V_INC"]], [self.params["MAX_W_INC"]]])
# global planner
g_start = (start[0], start[1])
g_goal = (goal[0], goal[1])
self.g_planner = {"planner_name": "a_star", "start": g_start, "goal": g_goal, "env": env}
self.path = self.g_path[::-1]
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "Model Predicted Control (MPC)"
def plan(self):
MPC motion plan function.
flag (bool): planning successful if true else failed
pose_list (list): history poses of robot
dt = self.params["TIME_STEP"]
u_p = (0, 0)
for _ in range(self.params["MAX_ITERATION"]):
# break until goal reached
if self.reachGoal(tuple(self.robot.state.squeeze(axis=1)[0:3]), self.goal):
return True, self.robot.history_pose
# get the particular point on the path at the lookahead distance
lookahead_pt, theta_trj, kappa = self.getLookaheadPoint()
# calculate velocity command
e_theta = self.regularizeAngle(self.robot.theta - self.goal[2])
if not self.shouldMoveToGoal(self.robot.position, self.goal):
if not self.shouldRotateToPath(abs(e_theta)):
u = np.array([[0], [0]])
u = np.array([[0], [self.angularRegularization(e_theta / dt)]])
e_theta = self.regularizeAngle(
self.angle(self.robot.position, lookahead_pt) - self.robot.theta
if self.shouldRotateToPath(abs(e_theta)):
u = np.array([[0], [self.angularRegularization(e_theta / dt)]])
s = (self.robot.px,, self.robot.theta) # current state
s_d = (lookahead_pt[0], lookahead_pt[1], theta_trj) # desired state
u_r = (self.robot.v, self.robot.v * kappa) # refered input
u, u_p = self.mpcControl(s, s_d, u_r, u_p)
# feed into robotic kinematic
self.robot.kinematic(u, dt)
return False, None
def run(self):
Running both plannig and animation.
_, history_pose = self.plan()
if not history_pose:
raise ValueError("Path not found and planning failed!")
path = np.array(history_pose)[:, 0:2]
cost = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(path, axis=0)**2, axis=1, keepdims=True)))
self.plot.plotPath(self.path, path_color="r", path_style="--")
self.plot.animation(path, str(self), cost, history_pose=history_pose)
def mpcControl(self, s: tuple, s_d: tuple, u_r: tuple, u_p: tuple) -> np.ndarray:
Execute MPC control process.
s (tuple): current state
s_d (tuple): desired state
u_r (tuple): refered control
u_p (tuple): previous control error
u (np.ndarray): control vector
dim_u, dim_x = 2, 3
dt = self.params["TIME_STEP"]
# state vector (5 x 1)
x = np.array([
[s[0] - s_d[0]],
[s[1] - s_d[1]],
[s[2] - s_d[2]],
# original state matrix
A = np.identity(3)
A[0, 2] = -u_r[0] * np.sin(s_d[2]) * dt
A[1, 2] = u_r[0] * np.cos(s_d[2]) * dt
# original control matrix
B = np.zeros((3, 2))
B[0, 0] = np.cos(s_d[2]) * dt
B[1, 0] = np.sin(s_d[2]) * dt
B[2, 1] = dt
# state matrix (5 x 5)
A = np.concatenate((A, B), axis=1)
temp = np.concatenate((np.zeros((dim_u, dim_x)), np.identity(dim_u)), axis=1)
A = np.concatenate((A, temp), axis=0)
# control matrix (5 x 2)
B = np.concatenate((B, np.identity(dim_u)), axis=0)
# output matrix (3 x 5)
C = np.concatenate((np.identity(dim_x), np.zeros((dim_x, dim_u))), axis=1)
# mpc state matrix (3p x 5)
S_x = C @ A
for i in range(1, self.p):
S_x = np.concatenate((S_x, C @ np.linalg.matrix_power(A, i + 1)), axis=0)
# mpc control matrix (3p x 2m)
S_u_rows = []
for i in range(self.p):
S_u_row = C @ np.linalg.matrix_power(A, i) @ B
for j in range(1, self.m):
if j <= i:
S_u_row = np.concatenate((
S_u_row, C @ np.linalg.matrix_power(A, i - j) @ B
), axis=1)
S_u_row = np.concatenate((S_u_row, np.zeros((dim_x, dim_u))), axis=1)
S_u = np.vstack(S_u_rows)
# optimization
Yr = np.zeros((3 * self.p, 1)) # (3p x 1)
Q = np.kron(np.identity(self.p), self.Q) # (3p x 3p)
R = np.kron(np.identity(self.m), self.R) # (2m x 2m)
H = S_u.T @ Q @ S_u + R # (2m x 2m)
g = S_u.T @ Q @ (S_x @ x - Yr) # (2m x 1)
# constriants
I = np.eye(2 * self.m)
A_I = np.kron(np.tril(np.ones((self.m, self.m))), np.diag([1, 1]))
U_min = np.kron(np.ones((self.m, 1)), self.u_min)
U_max = np.kron(np.ones((self.m, 1)), self.u_max)
U_k_1 = np.kron(np.ones((self.m, 1)), np.array([[u_p[0]], [u_p[1]]]))
# boundary
dU_min = np.kron(np.ones((self.m, 1)), self.du_min)
dU_max = np.kron(np.ones((self.m, 1)), self.du_max)
# solve
solver = osqp.OSQP()
H = sparse.csc_matrix(H)
A = sparse.csc_matrix(np.vstack([A_I, I]))
l = np.vstack([U_min - U_k_1, dU_min])
u = np.vstack([U_max - U_k_1, dU_max])
solver.setup(H, g, A, l, u, verbose=False)
res = solver.solve()
dU_opt = res.x[:, None]
# first element
du = dU_opt[0:2]
# real control
u = du + np.array([[u_p[0]], [u_p[1]]]) + np.array([[u_r[0]], [u_r[1]]])
return np.array([
]), (float(u[0]) - u_r[0], float(u[1]) - u_r[1])
mpcControl(s, s_d, u_r, u_p)
Execute MPC control process.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
current state |
required |
desired state |
required |
refered control |
required |
previous control error |
required |
Name | Type | Description |
u |
control vector |
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\local_planner\
def mpcControl(self, s: tuple, s_d: tuple, u_r: tuple, u_p: tuple) -> np.ndarray:
Execute MPC control process.
s (tuple): current state
s_d (tuple): desired state
u_r (tuple): refered control
u_p (tuple): previous control error
u (np.ndarray): control vector
dim_u, dim_x = 2, 3
dt = self.params["TIME_STEP"]
# state vector (5 x 1)
x = np.array([
[s[0] - s_d[0]],
[s[1] - s_d[1]],
[s[2] - s_d[2]],
# original state matrix
A = np.identity(3)
A[0, 2] = -u_r[0] * np.sin(s_d[2]) * dt
A[1, 2] = u_r[0] * np.cos(s_d[2]) * dt
# original control matrix
B = np.zeros((3, 2))
B[0, 0] = np.cos(s_d[2]) * dt
B[1, 0] = np.sin(s_d[2]) * dt
B[2, 1] = dt
# state matrix (5 x 5)
A = np.concatenate((A, B), axis=1)
temp = np.concatenate((np.zeros((dim_u, dim_x)), np.identity(dim_u)), axis=1)
A = np.concatenate((A, temp), axis=0)
# control matrix (5 x 2)
B = np.concatenate((B, np.identity(dim_u)), axis=0)
# output matrix (3 x 5)
C = np.concatenate((np.identity(dim_x), np.zeros((dim_x, dim_u))), axis=1)
# mpc state matrix (3p x 5)
S_x = C @ A
for i in range(1, self.p):
S_x = np.concatenate((S_x, C @ np.linalg.matrix_power(A, i + 1)), axis=0)
# mpc control matrix (3p x 2m)
S_u_rows = []
for i in range(self.p):
S_u_row = C @ np.linalg.matrix_power(A, i) @ B
for j in range(1, self.m):
if j <= i:
S_u_row = np.concatenate((
S_u_row, C @ np.linalg.matrix_power(A, i - j) @ B
), axis=1)
S_u_row = np.concatenate((S_u_row, np.zeros((dim_x, dim_u))), axis=1)
S_u = np.vstack(S_u_rows)
# optimization
Yr = np.zeros((3 * self.p, 1)) # (3p x 1)
Q = np.kron(np.identity(self.p), self.Q) # (3p x 3p)
R = np.kron(np.identity(self.m), self.R) # (2m x 2m)
H = S_u.T @ Q @ S_u + R # (2m x 2m)
g = S_u.T @ Q @ (S_x @ x - Yr) # (2m x 1)
# constriants
I = np.eye(2 * self.m)
A_I = np.kron(np.tril(np.ones((self.m, self.m))), np.diag([1, 1]))
U_min = np.kron(np.ones((self.m, 1)), self.u_min)
U_max = np.kron(np.ones((self.m, 1)), self.u_max)
U_k_1 = np.kron(np.ones((self.m, 1)), np.array([[u_p[0]], [u_p[1]]]))
# boundary
dU_min = np.kron(np.ones((self.m, 1)), self.du_min)
dU_max = np.kron(np.ones((self.m, 1)), self.du_max)
# solve
solver = osqp.OSQP()
H = sparse.csc_matrix(H)
A = sparse.csc_matrix(np.vstack([A_I, I]))
l = np.vstack([U_min - U_k_1, dU_min])
u = np.vstack([U_max - U_k_1, dU_max])
solver.setup(H, g, A, l, u, verbose=False)
res = solver.solve()
dU_opt = res.x[:, None]
# first element
du = dU_opt[0:2]
# real control
u = du + np.array([[u_p[0]], [u_p[1]]]) + np.array([[u_r[0]], [u_r[1]]])
return np.array([
]), (float(u[0]) - u_r[0], float(u[1]) - u_r[1])
MPC motion plan function.
Name | Type | Description |
flag |
planning successful if true else failed |
pose_list |
history poses of robot |
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\local_planner\
def plan(self):
MPC motion plan function.
flag (bool): planning successful if true else failed
pose_list (list): history poses of robot
dt = self.params["TIME_STEP"]
u_p = (0, 0)
for _ in range(self.params["MAX_ITERATION"]):
# break until goal reached
if self.reachGoal(tuple(self.robot.state.squeeze(axis=1)[0:3]), self.goal):
return True, self.robot.history_pose
# get the particular point on the path at the lookahead distance
lookahead_pt, theta_trj, kappa = self.getLookaheadPoint()
# calculate velocity command
e_theta = self.regularizeAngle(self.robot.theta - self.goal[2])
if not self.shouldMoveToGoal(self.robot.position, self.goal):
if not self.shouldRotateToPath(abs(e_theta)):
u = np.array([[0], [0]])
u = np.array([[0], [self.angularRegularization(e_theta / dt)]])
e_theta = self.regularizeAngle(
self.angle(self.robot.position, lookahead_pt) - self.robot.theta
if self.shouldRotateToPath(abs(e_theta)):
u = np.array([[0], [self.angularRegularization(e_theta / dt)]])
s = (self.robot.px,, self.robot.theta) # current state
s_d = (lookahead_pt[0], lookahead_pt[1], theta_trj) # desired state
u_r = (self.robot.v, self.robot.v * kappa) # refered input
u, u_p = self.mpcControl(s, s_d, u_r, u_p)
# feed into robotic kinematic
self.robot.kinematic(u, dt)
return False, None
Running both plannig and animation.
Source code in src\python_motion_planning\local_planner\
def run(self):
Running both plannig and animation.
_, history_pose = self.plan()
if not history_pose:
raise ValueError("Path not found and planning failed!")
path = np.array(history_pose)[:, 0:2]
cost = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(path, axis=0)**2, axis=1, keepdims=True)))
self.plot.plotPath(self.path, path_color="r", path_style="--")
self.plot.animation(path, str(self), cost, history_pose=history_pose)